Like Water Artist Interview

Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with one of my new favorite artists, Like Water, about her experiences as an artist and her most recent project, She Called It Noise. It was such a pleasure to get a bit of insight into her artistry and the process behind her music making. With a soulful, soothing voice and intricate lyrics, listening to Like Water’s music is much like jumping into a body of calm water. Enveloping and relaxing while also deep and profound. We discussed music in general, her sound, and what it means to move through the music industry in marginalized spaces.

Can you tell me a bit about how you got your start in music and what initially attracted you to it?

Music has always been a part of my life. I grew up watching my mom practice for shows and there was always so much joy in those moments. She taught my brother and I all of the harmonies and we’d sing with her all night. I remember getting lost in the layers of sounds and feeling like something inside was speaking to me. It was a feeling that at the time I had no words for I just knew I felt at home, safe and connected to something bigger than I could understand. 

I decided to study music at Morgan State University, and although I learned technique and theory in class, it was in the practice room where I found myself. I would see my friend Teron Prioleau or my friend Ray Redditt in the practice room playing the piano, go in and start singing whatever was on my heart. Then Jessica (Hayes) would see us, enter the room and start filling in background vocals and harmonizing. More friends like Jade (Madden) and Tylar (Montgomery) would come in, adding sounds and we would find ourselves creating something that even as I try to describe it, is truly indescribable lol. 


When my younger brother died, music was the only way I could begin to process such a tragic moment in my life. He was killed by an off duty police officer and we were all devastated, shocked and broken. Music kept me sane and uplifted...honestly it still does years later. A beautiful human who is now my wife told me to release the music I wrote during that time out into the world. Although that was not my intention, I’m glad I listened lol. Her suggestion led to my first album “Begins at the End” and I have been releasing music and performing ever since. 

I’d love to hear about the origin of your name, Like Water, and what the inspiration is behind it.

Having my music tied to the name I was given at birth began to bring a feeling of anxiety. I felt personally responsible for the listener’s my music had to be a direct reflection of someone's perception of my actual being. Like Water is my freedom. I can create, evolve, learn, grow and just exist now. It feels incredible.


I contemplated the change for a while but was terrified to be honest. I built a fanbase,

released music, and performed under the name Christen B. I had no clue what would happen to

all of that. One day while I was working, the name Like Water came to me. At that very moment, I remembered all of the times that water has been a part of my journey. For example, meditating and receiving a message to be like water or watching a Bruce Lee interview and connecting so deeply with his breakdown of water. As soon as I released my new album under my new name, I felt like I could breathe again! To add to that feeling of freedom, my pre name change fans have found their own meaning of Like Water in who they know me to be and in the new music! I can’t express just how much that means to me. Water is and can be so many things, now I feel free enough to truly be like water!

You recently released an album this past March, She Called It Noise (linked below). Can you tell me a bit about the process you went through in writing and recording these songs? 

It started with feeling a pull to create more freely. At the time, I had so much music lingering in my head that there was no space for anything new. I had thousands of voice notes on my phone and I wanted to just get everything out, so I could clear my mind enough to work on new material. “She Called It Noise'' is a beautiful combination of the best of what lived in my brain like “Palo Santo” and “In Love” and an introduction to exploring new sounds and vibes like “Black Bird” and “Pure Intention”. The journey that each song takes you through is personal. Even the intro and interludes are meant to feel like you are hearing my inner dialogue and encourage the listener to connect with their inner truths.  


I started recording the album at home. My wife and I live in an apartment and when I listened back, I could hear the folks upstairs, the heater, kids outside...practically everything lol. The amount of time spent waiting for absolute silence was more than one could imagine lol. 


Thankfully, I have a friend, Ashley Donald, who I met through Sofar Sounds. She is an amazing audio engineer and put together a dope team of creatives, Jon and Jones to help get this album out on time. We recorded, mixed, and mastered the album in a little over two weeks. As I’m sure you can imagine, we were in the studio until the birds started chirping most days lol. It was definitely a bonding experience, but will avoid the time crunch next time. 


I learned so much about myself creating and releasing “She Called It Noise”. I am forever grateful to my wife for her support! She was with me in the studio and has filled me with love and joy along this journey. I’m grateful for Ashley and all of the incredible musicians and creatives that played a role in bringing it to life and allowing me to tell this story. Shout out to Ray Redditt, Evander McLean, Jennifer ‘Stix’ Hairston, Infinity Wilner, Shawn Smallwood and Maurice Carroll for helping me create the beautiful soundscapes, Travis Marshall for the photo and Inspire Higher Designs for the album art!

Do you have a favorite song on the album, or do they all rank about even for you?

Honestly, I love every song on this album. I listen to it from start to finish and  over again lol. That is a first for me. If I had to choose, I’d say “Black Bird”. I produced the music at home right before going into the studio and because I did everything so quickly, I had no time to second guess myself. I closed my eyes, thought of my wife and what came out was pure and it pulls me in everytime I listen. “Palo Santo”, “Annie Bell” and “My Baby” are right there with it though lol. “Your Eyes” is a favorite too...I listen to it and am immediately transported to a different time and place. It surrounds me with warmth and is a reminder of the love I have in my heart for Tanya (my wife). So I guess it’s safe to say, they are all my favorite lol!

Here at COMC, our mission is to uplift the voices of marginalized communities within the music industry, specifically POC and LGBTQIA+. As a member of these underrepresented groups, how do you feel the music industry needs to change to be more inclusive for everyone?

That is quite a complex question. I think it’s the same thing that needs to change in general. There is an underlying belief that one way of existing is right and those who believe that have built systems that need to be destroyed instead of adjusted to include what or who is deemed worthy at that moment in time. Acknowledging and sharing the knowledge of how these systems were built and what direct correlation there is between racism and biases and the way companies and people in general place value on something or someone is a first step. Redirecting the profit that these entities collect off the backs of marginalized communities to artists from those communities is another step in the right direction. Cultivating a culture of collaboration filled with incredible creatives from marginalized communities similar to artist collectives and funding and valuing those collectives would be my ideal world. They normalize and find immense joy in really seeing one another, seeing the value in each individual being authentically who they are and together they are safe, strong and unstoppable.    

Your sound is so unique, it’s completely your own. A blend of so many genres with such a tender, soulful voice. Do you have any advice for other artists who are looking to find their sound and their voice, specifically people of color and members of LGBTQIA+? 

My advice would be to surround yourself with people who value and support you just for being you. Starting out, I didn’t go the normal route of playing in traditional venues and frequenting music spaces. I was led to poetry open mics. The Baltimore poetry scene is incredible and poets like Alex Alexander, Love the Poet, Rebecca Dupas and Lamar Anthony Hill opened the door and gave me a place to thrive. This support gave me the confidence to continue creating, performing and touring. Another bit of advice I would offer is to honor your feelings and trust your intuition. Don’t do things simply because others have or others told you it's the only way. Take a minute to check in with self and do what resonates with you. My spirit was easily broken growing up so I needed to be in a space that was safe and supportive to grow. That's not everyone’s truth. Had I listened and followed the traditional artist journey, I don’t think I would still be sharing my art today. You are enough, just as you are and you truly do have all that you need to do all that you desire. The last thing I will say is when you feel overwhelmed, discouraged or find yourself in a cycle of negative self-talk, quiet your mind, breathe and come back to the truth that your dreams and desires are in your heart for a reason and you are who you are for a reason. Keep creating! 

Finally, how do you see yourself moving through the music industry as an artist? Do you see a specific path for yourself or are you taking things day by day? 

I see myself moving through the music industry as I desire to move through water. My intention is to heal myself and others using all that I is just one aspect of my being. I want my music to touch the hearts of all who listen in such a profound way that they feel compelled to share it with everyone they love. I create and perform with the intention that it’d be what the listener needs. Whether that's a hug, a reminder of what love is, self reflection, a moment to breathe or a reason to dance and feel joy! I see myself ushering millions of people all over the globe to a place of joy, love and healing while receiving more than enough money to create stability, opportunity and change for myself and others.

Thank you so much to Like Water for taking the time to speak with me. Please check out her website,, as well as on Instagram - @likewatersheheals, on twitter - @iam_likewater, and on Facebook - Like Water @thelikewaterexperience).


And here’s her most recent projectShe Called It Noise, out now. 



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