5 Artists to Watch on TikTok

In what used to be directed towards pre-teen audiences, Tik Tok soon took over every age range on their application. Maybe it was their vine-like experience approach, or creators such as Charli and Addison Rae created a cult-like following, but in the end it all goes back to one simple main idea -- the music.

It’s no secret that music on TikTok will garner success and cause artists to blow up practically overnight. One artist for example, Doja Cat, earned massive overnight success with her song “Say So” in 2019. A signature dance and all were soon to be followed by millions of creators on TikTok, and so has this been the case for other artists such as EyeDress, JoyAgain and Ashnikko just to name a few.

So, we’re all constantly thinking about the app and what is going to be the next viral hit? Here are some of our favorite artists and why we might soon see them as a viral contender.

Deaton Chris Anthony 

 Los-Angelos based, Deaton Chris Anthony’s album “BO Y” draws familiar 80’s-90’s synths and sounds throughout this album. With incredible features such as Clairo, Clair Clair & Coco, oh and Tony Hawk (?), each fast-paced track is certain to interest anyone at any age.

Song: Deaton Chris Anthony - RACECAR feat. Clairo, Coco & Clair Clair

Rico Nasty

Ok, so most people have heard the name already but we are almost sure Rico Nasty will inevitably blow up on Tik Tok. Known for her hard trap beats and raunch-esque lyrics, Rico Nasty provides a punky approach to typical modern day rap. 

Song: Rico Nasty - Check Me Out

No Vacation

A bit of an older choice, No Vacation made a large collection of their sounds in 2014, which dates back to hits from the 1975, Cloud Nothings, and everything in between what seems like the year of Indie music. No Vacation brings to Tik Tok a fun indie approach with notes of bubblegum pop and what seems to be a bit of hardcore metal at times. I can definitely see them blowing up in the future. 

Song: No Vacation - DreamGirl

Israel's Arcade

Israel's Arcade, a bit more underground, is an indie musician hailing from SoundCloud that sounds like a perfect mix between post-punk synth and modern-day indie vocals. It’s hard to not see this artist blow up on TikTok.  

Song: Israel’s Arcade - Car Crash

Alice Longyu Gao

Alice Longyu Gao brings to hyperpop a girly, saturated yet eclectic style of music no artist has covered. Originally from China, this performer/DJ strays away from everything in the ordinary and is quickly building a large fan base. 

Song: Alice Longyu Gao - Karma is a witch

Do you agree with this list of artists to potentially blow up soon on Tik Tok? Let us know some of your opinions!

Author: Hana Braverman


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