
Flowers blooming, sun shining,  birds chirping. You are not dreaming, spring is here. We’ve made it through arguably one of the toughest winters we’ve seen, as Covid continued its relentless spread and we were cooped up in our homes. Now, while we still need to be cautious, there’s finally light at the end of the tunnel. The temperature is rising, it’s lighter for longer, and there is promise of finally putting this pandemic behind us thanks to the vaccine rollout. As we approach summer it’s time to shed our winter haze and put our faces up towards the sun. 

To do that, it helps to have the perfect playlist. I’ve decided to put together a playlist full of songs that make me feel alive as the world comes back to life with us. You’ll hear bops, you’ll hear late night drive anthems, you’ll hear something that will hopefully help propel you forward into the new season as some of these songs have for me. 

And as we come out of a long winter, don’t forget to give yourself credit. 2020 was difficult for many reasons, and it’s bled into 2021 in so many ways. Winter alone can be a tough time for some, add in various factors from the pandemic to a polarized political climate, to fighting for basic human rights, this winter especially was exhausting. Allow yourself to enjoy the small things as we come into spring, even if that’s just seeing a single flower bloom when you’re out on a walk, or feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin in the middle of the afternoon. I hope this playlist can be one of those simple pleasures of the new season for you.

Author: Carly Eaton


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